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Getting started with Weather DataHub

Our APIs offer a wide range of data sources and services, including atmospheric data, site-specific weather information, and map images. With easy access to these resources, you can create applications, conduct research, or simply stay informed about the weather conditions in your area or any location worldwide.

Explore our documentation pages to learn more about our APIs, how to access them, and how to integrate them into your projects. We provide comprehensive documentation, code examples, and support to ensure a seamless experience as you tap into the vast world of weather data.

Getting started with Weather DataHub

1. Register

Click on 'Login/Register' to kickstart the registration. Simply follow the on-screen steps to enter and confirm your email address.

2. Choose a product

Once registered you will be able to view a range of free and paid for plans for all of our products.

3. Select data

For our atmospheric models and map images products there is an additional step that involves selecting your region of interest, selecting your parameters, file delivery preferences and more to build your order.

4. Subscribe to your plan

When you subscribe to one of our plans, our Weather DataHub will provide you with your API credentials and confirm your subscription by email.

Should you need it, your API credentials can be found under 'My Subscriptions' in your account.

5. Get access to data

Your API credentials will enable you to interact with the API product you have subscribed to. Please refer to the documentation for your chosen product which you can find in the navigation bar on this page.

Need support?

If you have any questions, please consult our frequently asked questions (FAQs) on our support page or contact us directly at

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